7 Benefits of VoIP for Estate Agents | VS Group

7 Benefits of VoIP for Estate Agents | VS Group

7 Benefits of VoIP for Estate Agents Communication is the cornerstone of success for estate agents. Whether it’s chatting with clients, coordinating with colleagues or managing listings, having a reliable and flexible phone system is crucial. This is where VoIP for...
Are There Any Disadvantages of VPS Hosting? | VS Group

Are There Any Disadvantages of VPS Hosting? | VS Group

Are There Any Disadvantages of VPS Hosting? A winning balance of cost, control and performance makes Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting a popular choice for many British businesses, charities and third-sector organisations. Though of course, it’s important to...
Is VoIP Suitable for SMEs?

Is VoIP Suitable for SMEs?

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has become increasingly popular for all kinds of businesses. But is it a good fit for small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs)? Typically defined as those with fewer than 250 employees, SMEs account for 99% of all businesses in Europe....