Introducing VS Group Web-Hosting & Cloud based solutions!
We are pleased to introduce a multitude of cloud and web services! You can now find all your telecoms needs in one place. Choose VS Group for a more manageable, stress-free bespoke package!
Let’s explore Web-Hosting & Cloud Based services together
With feature-rich and bespoke packages, choose VS Group to support all your cloud based needs!

Domain Names
Domain names are a key part of the internet’s infrastructure, they provide a human-readable address for any web server available online. Find your desired domain today using our availability checker!

Website Hosting
Feature-rich website hosting packages, designed to suit all charities and business’ large or small! Choose from WordPress optimised packages or Managed Hosting.

VPS Servers
Managed Virtual Private Cloud Servers, choose a VS Group cloud server to maximise reliability and performance! Choose from Linux, Litespeed or Windows VPS.

Email hosting packages for charities and business’, VS Group have partnered with Microsoft 365 to ensure your organisation has the best email facility to offer!