What Exactly is Ultrafast Broadband?

Ultrafast broadband is seen as the superior choice when it comes to connectivity. But as the owner or manager of a charity or small business, it’s understandable that you will have some questions about what it is, how it works and what benefits it provides.

This post will provide a clear overview of ultrafast broadband and what it means for you.

Ultrafast – fibre to the premises

‘Ultrafast’ is a term used to describe broadband that is connected to your premises using fibre optic cables. It differs from ‘superfast’ broadband (which uses fibre optic cables to deliver broadband to a local cabinet before connecting to your premises with copper cables) and ADSL (which uses copper cables and telephone lines for the entire journey.

Ultrafast broadband may also be referred to as fibre to the premises, FTTP, full fibre or even ‘pure’ fibre broadband.

How fast is ultrafast?

The speed of your broadband connection can depend on several factors, including your provider, the area you live in and the devices you’re using. However, broadly speaking, ultrafast broadband can deliver speeds in excess of 300mbps.

To put that into context, superfast broadband generally ranges from 30mbps with 300mbps as the upper limit, while ADSL is typically capped at around 24mbps.

Is ultrafast broadband right for my organisation?

Because it requires new infrastructure with fibre optic cables directly to your premises, ultrafast broadband is a significant investment for any charity or business. In many cases, the alternatives may provide ample speed and bandwidth at a lower cost.

It’s also worth noting that ultrafast broadband is currently only available for around one in five UK sites, compared to 95% and 99% coverage for superfast and ADSL, respectively.

Find out more about your broadband options

VS Group is a dedicated broadband provider for both charities and small businesses. We offer a range of broadband solutions to suit all requirements and budgets. Most importantly, we have an expert team on hand to assist in finding the right broadband package for your organisation.

Get in touch with us today to talk through your options.


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