VS Group Make Quarterly Donation to Forever Manchester

During the first half of the year, VS Group has welcomed many new staff members. We’ve refreshed our company brand and are working on many exciting things, such as the Kickstart Scheme and a new strategic partnership with ACEVO. To round this all up, we gathered our team at the VS Group HQ in Manchester. Here the Executive Team had the opportunity to share with staff our vision for the future, which is to work in a world where every organisation can harness the power of digital enablement.

As part of the meeting, we welcomed one of our Charity Partners, Forever Manchester. It was an excellent chance for everyone at VS Group to meet and hear from James Hampson, Philanthropy Development Manager at Forever Manchester. We heard first-hand how the charity operates, being the only charity that raises money to fund and support community activity across Greater Manchester. What this means, which makes Forever Manchester unique, is that they provide an opportunity to the community to fund people and projects that are not necessarily registered charities, they are grass-root. Ordinary people like you and me run them – ordinary people trying to make the lives of friends, family members and neighbours better and happier.

Without donations, Forever Manchester would be unable to support thousands of community-led projects across the region. At VS Group, we’re committed to being good corporate citizens and giving something back, so we pledged to donate a percentage of our business revenues to the charity. Hence, the better our business performs, the bigger the donation. The team and community greatly appreciated our latest donation of £498.25. Moving forward, we will look at more ways to support Forever Manchester. If you want to help, why not Run and raise money for Forever Manchester in the Great Manchester Run taking place on Sunday 26th September 2021 – find out more about that here.


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