VoIP vs Landline: What are the Pros & Cons?

Phones are a must-have for any business, charity or other organisation. For the entire 20th century, landlines were the only option. But now, things are changing. Since the advent of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in the 2000s, organisations have a choice between VoIP and landlines.

If you’re in need of a phone system for your business or charity, you’ll no doubt be wondering which is better. In this post, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of VoIP vs landlines.

Reliability and quality

Above all else, your phone system needs to provide clear and reliable calling to and from clients, customers and colleagues. While this is often seen as a pro for landlines, which are traditionally more reliable vs VoIP, things have changed considerably over the past decade.

Because it’s run through the internet, VoIP has benefitted from the continuous improvements to broadband. With an 18% increase in speed year on year and the vast majority of UK premises having access to superfast connections, it’s fair to say reliability and quality are no longer pros or cons when comparing VoIP vs landlines.

Comparing the costs

Along with reliability, costs are definitely one of the top priorities for any organisation. In most cases, this is a pro for VoIP and a con for landlines.

Offices with multiple phones will typically require a private branch exchange (PBX) system, which is costly to install and run. On top of that, the cost of calling through landlines is typically higher than it is through VoIP, with even higher charges for international calls.

Location pros and cons

On top of the cost benefits, one of the most significant differences between VoIP vs landline is the location. With landlines, you are fixed to one place. Calls can only be taken from phones connected directly to your landline, which basically means you have to be in the office.

With VoIP, you can take calls wherever you want. VoIP devices can be used anywhere with a reliable internet connection, making remote working much more practical. By connecting to a mobile app, you can even have calls routed to your mobile, so you’ll never miss those enquiries or opportunities.

VoIP vs landline going forward

The final pros and cons to consider for VoIP and landline phones refer to how they prepare your organisation for the future. Landline phones do what they say on the tin, so to speak. They provide voice calling and not much else.

In contrast, one of the big pros of VoIP is that they’re much more flexible when it comes to functionality. As well as the mobile app mentioned above, VoIP can be easily complemented by real-time call analytics as well as conference calling to make sure your staff are always well equipped.

While some of these features are possible through landline phones, they typically only come with more advanced systems. That means you might have to pay over the odds to make your landline match up with VoIP services.

Don’t forget that BT plans to phase out traditional landlines entirely by 2025, meaning this solution will be redundant.

Contact our VoIP pros today

If you’re comparing VoIP vs landline, it’s hard to see past the pros like lower costs, remote working and better functionality. At VS Group, we provide all of that and more with specialist VoIP solutions for charities in the UK.

Working with over 500 organisations in the voluntary sector, we understand the unique challenges faced by charities like yours. Our VoIP services can help you cut costs, maximise productivity and focus on what you do best.

Need more information? Complete our online form and one of our VoIP pros will be in touch to discuss your project in more detail or find out more about VoIP vs landline phones.


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