The issues our ACEVO CEOs are concerned about…

To all our voluntary sector leaders, welcome to 2022!

It has never been a more daunting start of a new year than this year. We are all facing new challenges, and the users of our services have never needed them more than they do now. Therefore, making sure that funds are put to the best and most appropriate use is critical.

The effects of covid and the changes to all our working practices, remote working, keeping in touch with staff and our customers, has meant that the need for better effective telecommunications has never been more important than it is today, affecting how we work and how the public perceives us.

Issues that are of concern to our CEOs:

Cyber Security

As networks become more cloud-based, it is critical that you invest in the latest security measures. Company information, client details, and financial records are all potentially visible to the wrong people, should that information not be adequately secure in your cloud-based network. NDR (Network Detection & Response) and CEO/technical staff’s understanding of network performance is crucial and should therefore be a genuine priority in 2022.



We need to be proactive in exploring all avenues possible for funding. In most cases, what’s required is effective communications between potential donors, awarding institutions and the staff that look after that part of the business. Dedicated phone lines can be set up for exactly that purpose, giving each call the priority it needs on your network. Corporate partnerships, not only in the Business Sector but within the Charity Sector, can enhance the availability of funding. It can also help with gaining better services at reduced rates, looking at who you could be working with to achieve both your goals and creating a winning partnership.


Services to users

Communication is at the heart of making sure that your users receive the information they require in the most suitable format, in time and in a manner they can understand. CEOs and management teams need to constantly review how this is actioned, respond immediately and eliminate any redundances to the process or network. You can then gain immediate feedback and an understanding of which direction to move going forward. Your communications should already be set up with all this in mind. If it is not, you need to drive change!


Leased Lines

In 2022, we predict the typical bandwidth will not be 1GB, but 10GB – to put that into context; you could download 4 feature-length films in 30 seconds – and their rarity is becoming something of the past!


More and more SMEs require the flexibility, reliability and bandwidth that only a Leased Line can provide. As your organisation grows, it’s always better to be prepared without the immediate cost implications affecting the budget. This connectivity is mostly used by larger companies to deal with their immense data usage, where there is a need for easy and quick access at scale by staff.


Previously used by larger multi-national corporations, data centres and online internet services providers, we’re being asked more frequently by organisations’ IT teams to investigate Leased Lines for them. In some cases, it’s not a viable proposition, but many have decided that the positive effects the technology has on the quality of service offered means it’s a no brainer, even given the cost!


With all the above, it’s essential that you have the right partner who understands your organisation’s objectives, budget, and controls, ensuring that the right plan is put into operation at the right cost. Therefore, making sure that regular reviews are carried out, and performance is consistently monitored, is also key.

We work closely with ACEVO, offering them the level of support we know they need, working with their telecoms professionals to effect change in a timely and efficient way that does not affect budgets.


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