How to Use Business Phones Lines at Home

There are several reasons why you might need a home business phone. You might want to work remotely to sidestep rising office costs. Maybe it’s just there if you need to work at home when you can’t make it to the office. Or you could simply need it to make sure you don’t miss important calls outside of business hours.

Whatever the case, there are a number of options available. Unfortunately, some of them – such as using your existing landline – come with clear drawbacks. This post will explore the different home business phone solutions and discuss which is best for you.

Home phone for business

The first option is to use your existing home phone for business. Most houses have a landline installed, given that it’s necessary for the majority of broadband services.

However, this comes with its own problems. For one, you can’t be sure that other people in your house won’t answer the phone. This can be hugely detrimental for your business or charity’s reputation, giving off an unprofessional look.

On top of that, it can be frustrating when you’re using the same phone number for business and personal matters. You may end up rushing to the phone to answer an important enquiry, only to find that it’s your distant aunt calling for a catch-up.

Let’s not forget the possibility of business calls going unanswered because the phone is in use for a personal call.

New separate landline

One alternative to using your existing landline is getting a new, second landline installed at your home. The main drawback here is the cost.

First of all, you’ll have to pay well above £100 for the installation alone. That’s paired with the ongoing cost for line rental on your new landline. On top of that, the cost to make calls from a landline can soon stack up, depending on your provider. That’s especially true if you’re making international calls.

Whether you’re using your home phone for business or installing a new landline, you’ll also have to deal with having multiple contact numbers for your business. For those who split work between the office and home, this can cause a few complications for clients or colleagues who will need to try two numbers to get through to you.

Voice over Internet Protocol

If you’re looking for a home business phone without the drawbacks, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is the ultimate solution. Working through your internet connection, there’s no need to use your existing landline or have a new one installed.

The cost per call is typically lower than a conventional landline phone, and you can even use the same number as the phone at your office.

Better still, you don’t require a handset. VoIP can be used on your laptop, compatible handheld device or mobile phone so your business can go anywhere throughout the house with you.

Home phone solutions for charities

At VS Group, we provide office and home phone solutions for charities across the UK. Complete with an easy-to-use mobile app, our VoIP solutions will make sure you never miss a call while reducing your outgoings for good.

If you’d like to discuss your requirements in more depth, our team is ready and waiting. Contact us for a no-obligation chat.


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