How Much Cloud Storage Do I Need? | VS Group

From website content and applications to archived emails and customer credit card details, digital data forms the backbone of most modern businesses, charities and third-sector organisations. Instead of relying on on-premises storage, the cloud has emerged as a safe, secure and scalable solution for data storage and information management.

Of course, every organisation is unique which means a one-size-fits-all model doesn’t cut it when it comes to cloud storage. Wondering how much cloud capacity you need? Use the following steps to break down your needs and answer the question, how much cloud storage do I need?

1.  Assess your current data volume

Start by evaluating your existing data volume and understanding the size of your files, documents and multimedia content. This baseline assessment provides a starting point for estimating your cloud storage needs.

2.  Project future growth

Next, consider the anticipated growth of your business. As your operations expand, so do your data storage needs. Factor in potential increases in client databases, project files, website traffic, internal communications and any other data-intensive aspects.

3.  Identify key data types

Not all data is created equal. Get a more accurate result by identifying the types of data critical to your business. For example, some files may need to be accessed frequently, while others are archived. Categorising your data will help you calculate how much cloud storage you need.

4.  Factor in backup requirements

Cloud storage isn’t just about primary data. It’s also a secure way to back up your critical information. When asking “how much cloud storage do I need”, consider how frequently you need to back up data and allocate storage space accordingly.

5.  Consider compliance and security

Industries with strict regulatory compliance requirements, such as healthcare or finance, must implement secure data storage measures. This can significantly increase your cloud storage needs.

Talk to an expert

Ultimately, determining how much cloud storage you need is a strategic decision that should align with the unique operational demands and future growth projections of your organisation. Need more help calculating a number? Get in touch with VS Group today to find out more about our tailored cloud solutions.


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