Business’ Can’t Support Hybrid Workforce

63% of UK Businesses Can’t Support IT Needs of Hybrid Workforce

Since the ‘remote working revolution’ brought about by the pandemic, hybrid working has emerged as the way forward for lots of UK businesses. However, the majority can’t support it. Read on as we take a closer look…

The shift towards hybrid working

A hybrid workforce is something of a happy medium, combining remote work with the office. That could be some staff working remotely while others stay in the office, or the option to do some days from home and others at work.

It’s quickly emerged as a frontrunner of working patterns with 68% of employees preferring it. That’s compared to 28% choosing full-time working from home and just 8% wanting to stay in the office permanently.

Some managers might choose to ignore those findings. However, it’s only a matter of time until employees jump ship for their preferred mode of working. Not least because almost three quarters of employers now offer some form of hybrid working.

Supporting a hybrid workforce

Unfortunately, there’s a problem. According to research, 63% of IT directors aren’t “very confident” that their IT estate can support a hybrid workforce. Not only is that a problem for businesses that want to provide hybrid working, but also some of those that already do!

What’s more alarming is that 71% of respondents said their organisation is not making IT investment a priority. That means lots of businesses will either:

  • Fail to provide hybrid working as an option and miss out on the best talent.
  • Suffer from a lack of productivity with a poorly supported hybrid workforce.

Don’t fail your hybrid workforce

Whether you already facilitate hybrid working or you’re considering a hybrid workforce to attract the best talent, it’s important to have the right technology to support it. At VS Group, we provide a range of IT services to make that happen for small businesses and charities across the UK.

If you’d like to find out more or discuss your requirements, don’t hesitate to contact our team.



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