5 Benefits of Remote Working for Employees & Employers

Remote working has been gradually on the up for several years. But in 2020, that slow rise was turned into an immediate skyrocket. The pandemic’s social distancing measures saw the majority (64%) of UK staff forced to work from home. While it was initially disruptive, both employees and employers experienced the benefits of working remotely.

Since then, a number of high-profile businesses have outlined their intentions to introduce remote working on a permanent basis. In this post, we’ll look at five benefits of working remotely – for employees and employers.

1. Work-life balance

In 2019, the TUC found that the average UK commute was just short of an hour each day. By removing that from the workday, remote working gives employees several hours each week that they simply wouldn’t have if they had to travel to and from the office.

This provides a much better work-life balance, a benefit cited by 91% of remote workers. A 35-hour working week actually takes 35 hours, rather than the 40+ it could take with a train, bus or car journey. It also makes it easier to be on hand for day-to-day duties like picking kids up from school or even getting started on dinner.

2. Cost savings

Commuting isn’t just time-consuming for employees. It costs quite a bit too. Without the need to pay for bus fares, train fares, fuel or parking, employees can save a sizeable amount in the long run. Not to mention the cost savings of preparing lunch at home. In fact, it’s estimated that working remotely saves workers almost £45 a week on average.

This benefit extends to employers too. While the immediate nature of COVID-19 didn’t allow employers to ditch the office, a permanent remote working model comes with the benefit of lower office costs. Whether it’s a smaller office where staff can meet and share desks, or no office at all, working remotely could drastically cut one of the highest costs for employers.

3. Attracting and retaining staff

According to research by Owl Labs, 83% of workers said the ability to work remotely would make them happier. 81% said it would make them more likely to recommend an employer. And 71% said it would make them more likely to choose one employer over another when moving jobs.

Translation? Remote working could help employers attract the best staff. It could also help you keep them, with remote workers reportedly 13% more likely to stay in their current job for the next five years.

4. Productivity

Another benefit of remote working for both employers and employees is productivity. The absence of office chitchat and interruptions with meetings has seen many employees thrive in a remote working environment. That’s backed by a 2014 study which found that remote workers were 13% more efficient than their office-based counterparts.

5. Reduced emissions

Let’s not forget the environment – after all, there’s no planet B. By eliminating the pre-and post-work commute, remote working reduces the emissions coming from traffic. That theory was undoubtedly proven in the first lockdown when daily global CO2 emissions were around 17% lower than 2019 levels.

Unlock the benefits of working remotely

With the right systems in place, remote working can be hugely beneficial for both employees and employers. One of the most vital tools for any organisation that wants to work remotely is VoIP. Allowing you to make and receive business calls anywhere with an internet connection, VoIP eliminates arguably the biggest hurdle of remote work.

At VS Group, we specialise in VoIP solutions for charities across the UK. If you’re ready to unlock the benefits of working remotely, we’re on hand to help. Get in touch with us today to talk about your requirements with a VoIP expert.


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