4 Ways to Improve Broadband Speed

Broadband is essential for any modern organisation. It’s a prerequisite for most day-to-day functions including emails, internet browsing for purchases or research, the use of cloud software, and even how you make your calls.

With that in mind, slow broadband can seriously hinder your company or charity’s productivity. If you’re looking for how to improve broadband speed, we’ve got the answer!

Read on as we discuss four ways to improve broadband speed for your business or charity.

1.  Disconnect unnecessary devices

As well as speed, your broadband will come with a particular bandwidth. This is essentially a capacity for your broadband, indicating how many devices it’s capable of supporting.

When more devices are connected to your broadband, that bandwidth is spread across a greater number of users. If that number of devices becomes too high, the bandwidth will be too thinly spread, which can impact the speed those users get.

To improve broadband speed, you should minimise the number of devices connected to your broadband wherever possible. Personal devices and smart appliances are a good place to start, ensuring your bandwidth is dedicated to the most important devices for your business or charity.

2.  Change router location

Broadband is distributed to devices by your router, the location of which can be significant when it comes to your broadband’s reliability. While it might not affect speed directly, an unreliable connection will impact things like VoIP calls and video calls much the same as a slow one.

Here’s how to improve broadband speed with the location of your router:

  • Make sure your router is placed centrally in relation to the connected devices
  • Avoid thick walls, which will make it harder for broadband to pass through
  • Avoid windows, which will see some of the strongest connections sent straight out of the window
  • Put your router higher up on a shelf or sideboard as opposed to placing it on the floor
  • Try to place the router out in the open, rather than hiding it behind a large item or inside a cupboard or drawer

3.  Wired rather than wireless

If, like many small businesses and charities, you work in a relatively small office, consider using a wired connection rather than wireless. By connecting your devices directly to the router, you can improve your broadband speed as well as making the connection more reliable and stable.

4.  Change your broadband

If all else fails, you should consider switching your broadband provider – or changing to a new type of broadband altogether. Not all broadband is created equal, with several different types including:

  • Fibre
  • Cable
  • Satellite
  • Wireless
  • Mobile

Working with a provider that understands your requirements, you’ll be able to get a connectivity solution that’s tailored to your organisation. In turn, you’ll see your broadband speed improve and your staff able to focus on what they do best.

Improve your broadband speed with VS Group

As a broadband provider dedicated to charities and small businesses, VS Group is best placed to deliver a broadband package that’s suited to your organisation. With our help, you can improve your broadband speed for good and work productively day in, day out. Contact our team today to talk more about your connectivity requirements.


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